Minn Kota Ultrex Questions
Q: Buying an ultrex to replace a MinnKota Edge. Will I need to drill new holes to mount on the bow?
A. The Edge model has the same hole pattern as the Ultrex and Ultrex QUEST. However, due to the Ultrex mount being larger it may be necessary for new holes to be drilled for proper stow and deployment of the motor.
Q: I currently have the powerdrive bow mounted on my boat. Will the ultrex line up with same mounting holes?
A. The installation hole pattern for the PowerDrive will be uniform across all electric-steer (non-QUEST) trolling motors, such as the Terrova and Ulterra. In addition, the Ultrex is a cable-driven hybrid trolling motor featuring a scissor mount, resulting in a significantly different installation hole pattern.
Q: Buying Ultrex replacing Motor Guide Will I have to drill new holes to mount on bow???
A. Unfortunately, we do not have MotorGuide schematics to determine if new holes need to be added for the Ultrex. Please use the web address below to review the Ultrex Mounting Dimensions to further assist.
Q: what are the dimensions for the quest ultrex foot pedal
A. The foot pedal on the Ultrex QUEST measures 9" wide x 12.5" long x 8" tall.
Q: What model heading sensor is used for this model Ultrex 80 ?
A. The Ultrex (non-QUEST) trolling motors come equipped with Bluetooth Heading Sensor
Q: What are the dimensions of the mount for the Ultra Quest 45” 24/36 V
A. Dimensions for the Ulterra QUEST can be found in the resources section of the product page (web address below). https://johnsonoutdoors.widen.net/content/qmiifvpcqp/pdf/Ulterra-Instinct-QUEST-Dimensions-cd0021rb.pdf
Q: I currently have a Minnesota Edge mounted on a Alumacraft Prowler 365. Will the Ultrex Quest 45” 24/36 V mount use the existing holes for my Edge Mount?
A. Unfortunately no. The Ultrex QUEST hole pattern differs from the Edge. Non-QUEST Ultrex models however, do have the same hole pattern.
Q: Does it come with power prop anb weedless prop? If not what power prop fits on the Ultrex # 1368892?
A. Ultrex item# 1368892 will come manufactured with the MKP-33 Weedless Wedge 2 prop and is not interchangeable with other props.